July 4-7, 2018 in the city of Marseille, France the 6th INoGS Global Conference was organized by the Medical Faculty of Aix-Marseille University. The conference was entitled “Genocide and Mass Violence: Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery”. Almost 150 genocide scholars – participants from five continents and more than 30 different countries presented their papers on topic.
Anahit Khosroeva, Ph.D was presenting the Institute of History, Armenian National Academy of Sciences. The topic of her presentation was “The Ethnic Cleansing of the Assyrians in Iraq (2003-2018). The aim of her speech was to discuss the history of the most recent persecutions and mass exodus of the indigenous Assyrians from their own homeland – Iraq. Dr. Khosroeva underlined how for the past few years, since 2014 ISIS (Daesh) has engaged in abductions, systematic rape, enslaving Assyrian women and girls and torture, coupled with the mass murder of Assyrian civilians, and yet there seems to be reluctance for these atrocities to be called out for what they really are: crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.