On May 29-31, 2017, the Haigazian University of Beirut hosted "The Armenians of Iraq" three-day scientific conference organized by the Armenian Diaspora Research Centre. It was the fourth conference dedicated to the Armenian Communities in the Middle East (the previous ones were on Lebanon, Syria and Jordan).
Representatives from Armenia, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and USA made 34 reports during eight sessions. Three historians from the Institute of History presented their scientific reports during the conference. Artak Maghalyan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Middle Ages History Department, presented a report on Armenians of Iraq entitled "Serovbe Carneci and other chroniclers on Iraqi Armenians of 19-th century". Seda Ohanyan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Department of Armenian Communities and Diaspora, presented two reports: "The last retreat of Van, the exile roads passed, the refugee camps of Bakuba and Nahr Omar" and " The past and present of the Armenian community of Basra". Artsvi Bakhchinyan, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Department of Armenian Communities and Diaspora, presented a report on Armenians of Iraq entitled "The cultural life of Iraqi Armenians and Armenian artists of Iraq" The presentation of a book titled "Armenian community of Iraq in the 20th century" (II NAN RA, Yerevan 2016) by Seda Ohanyan was held in the framework of the conference.