The regular 10th jubilee summer school of young CIS historians in the Kyrgyz Republic titled "The Excellence of Civil Fight in History" took place on July 15-21, 2018. It was organized by the Institute of History and Cultural Heritage of the Kyrgyz National Academy of Sciences, CIS Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation and International Association of History Institutions of CIS Countries.

More than 60 young historians and experienced professors from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan took part in the works of the school.
The delegation of the Institute of History of NAS RA was headed by Professor Karen Khachatryan, Deputy Director of the Institute. Researchers of the institute Hamo Sukiasyan, Ph.D, Nineta Adamyan, Anahit Shagoyan, Varditer Grigoryan participated as listeners.

16 speakers from participating countries delivered interesting lectures during the Summer School, including Professor K. Khachatryan, whose lecture was devoted to the civil fights during the final phase of the establishment of the Soviet power in Armenia in the first half of 1921.